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18 coworking spaces in Bogota, Colombia

August 29, 2017 // 9 Comments

When looking for ideas for new blog-posts, I often pay attention to the kinds of questions that people are asking in the Bogota Facebook groups. I’ve noticed that people often ask about coworking spaces in Bogota. So, I decided to go through the recommendations and do a bit of my own research, and I’ve put together a list of all the ones I could find [more]

Salaries, Tax and Working in Bogota

December 2, 2014 // 45 Comments

A common question I get asked is how easy it is when it comes to finding work in Bogota. Salaries can vary a lot, so if you’re considering moving here, you’ll definitely want an idea of how much you could potentially be earning once you find a job. You may even decide that remote-working in Bogota is the best option, as these jobs often pay in dollars or [more]

How do I make money in Bogota?

December 1, 2014 // 3 Comments

The question that many people ask themselves when considering moving to another country is – how will I make money? Is it easy to make money in Bogota? you ask. Not easy, but with the right skills, experience and a lot of determination and perseverance, it can be done. I will give an outline of how I am making money (or have made money) in Bogota, to give you [more]

Cost of Living in Bogota

November 17, 2014 // 9 Comments

This post was updated in July 2016. Due to fluctuating exchange rates, I have changed the amounts to reflect the current cost of living in Bogota in Colombian pesos. Please note that these figures are based on living in an estrato 4 building, and will increase significantly for estratos 5 and 6. For more information on estratos, have a look at my post on Where to [more]

Teaching English in Bogota

May 4, 2014 // 30 Comments

The easiest way for an English speaker to make money in Colombia is by teaching English; and teaching English in Bogota has become a big business. Everyone seems to be setting up a ‘School of English’ nowadays; needless to say therefore, that there is a huge variation in quality, working conditions and pay. If you don’t have a CELTA certificate [more]