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Tours and Trips

8 Bogota tours that will convince you to stick around!

July 4, 2017 // 3 Comments

When people are planning a trip to Colombia, Bogota is often overlooked in favor of Medellin and Cartagena. I’ve been in Bogota for nearly four years now and I’ve done a number of the tours that are on offer here. Here’s a list of some of the Bogota tours that I think will convince you to spend more than just a couple of nights in the capital! Free Walking [more]

Bogota Food Tour with La Mesa: food.. and more!

August 10, 2016 // 0 Comments

When La Mesa Food Tours invited me to join them on their Bogota food tour, I was intrigued. I’ve been living in Bogota on and off for nearly three years now, and thought I knew the essentials about Colombian food. That said, due to my sensitive stomach, I have always been wary of buying street food, so I suspected that I still had plenty to discover about [more]

Flavors of Bogota Coffee Shop Tour

July 28, 2016 // 0 Comments

I have a confession to make. I am a tea drinker; I live in Colombia; and I’m not a huge fan of coffee *GASP!* (although in my defense, this is mostly because it makes me a bit crazy..). However, if you live in Colombia, and PARTICULARLY if you have Colombian family-in-law, you WILL end up drinking a certain amount of coffee! But as your suegra enthusiastically [more]

A day trip to Guatavita

December 16, 2015 // 4 Comments

This last festivo (public holiday) I wanted to visit the Guatavita lagoon, which is about a 1.5 – 2.5 hour drive outside of Bogotá (depending on traffic and exactly where you live in the city). Guatavita is one of a number of places just outside of Bogotá which is worth visiting, along with La Calera, Sopó, Zipaquira and its Salt Cathedral, the Nemocón [more]

Bogota Botanical Garden (for peace & fresh air!)

November 1, 2015 // 2 Comments

The José Celestino Mutis Botanical Garden / Jardín Botánico (to give its full name) is one of my favourite places in Bogota. When you’ve had a busy week navigating the hustle’n’bustle of the city, it can leave you gasping for some fresh air and tranquility. There are a few places to find peace and quiet in Bogota, and the Bogota Botanical Garden [more]

Andes Ecotours: Exploring Beyond Bogotá

June 2, 2015 // 0 Comments

In my opinion, one of the best things about Bogotá is its beautiful surrounding regions. Life in the city can get pretty stressful so you really should take advantage of all those long weekends and go and explore outside of Bogotá. The main concern people have is being able to travel safely, with a bilingual guide, to places which are worth visiting, at a [more]

Street Art in Bogotá and the Bogotá Graffiti Tour

May 14, 2015 // 2 Comments

Those of us who have lived in Bogotá for some time will agree that it is a bit of a grey city. Often cloudy, chilly in the evenings, extremely wet during the rainy season, it’s not the best weather you’ll find in Colombia! That said, Bogotá’s talented artists have done a wonderful job brightening up the city with stunning and thought-provoking [more]
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