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safety in Bogota

Petty crime in Bogota: the day I witnessed a phone robbery

July 24, 2017 // 7 Comments

People often contact me asking about safety and crime in Bogota. One of the things I say is that if you are careful, you can decrease your chances of becoming a victim of crime. For example, don’t wear an expensive-looking watch or jewelry; always pre-book taxi cabs; avoid using your phone on the street or on the bus; in short, don’t ‘give [more]

Bogota Safety Tip: don’t give anyone a papaya!?

January 13, 2015 // 1 Comment

Colombia has received a lot of bad press over the last few decades, so it’s natural that people are often concerned about whether Bogota is safe. Last week I received a message from one of my Colombian readers saying that the best Bogota safety tip is not to ‘dar papaya’ :). Now, ‘give papaya’ doesn’t mean anything to us English-speakers, but it’s a [more]