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living in Bogota

A Foreigner in Bogotá: My 5 Colombian Identities

August 20, 2014 // 6 Comments

I’ve been a foreigner in Bogotá, Colombia for more than two years now, and something I’ve noticed is the way that people are defined here. Since moving here, I have taken on a number of identities which didn’t matter or exist when I was in London. In this post I explore my various Colombian identities. 1. I’m a gringa I’d actually say [more]

Colombia now pronounces you “husband and wife”

August 14, 2014 // 2 Comments

Moving to Colombia with a partner/boyfriend/girlfriend is like one giant leap closer to walking up the aisle. In fact, as far as Colombians are concerned, by taking the lift together up to your apartment that you plan to share, taking your first steps across the threshold, you’ve symbolically already been up the aisle and back down again. You see, most couples [more]

Life in Bogota: 18 things I like and dislike about Bogota

July 14, 2014 // 1 Comment

I felt that it was time for me to write a post speaking frankly about my own experience of and opinions about life in Bogota; you might arrive here and disagree, or just not be bothered about the kinds of things which bother me; equally you might not be impressed by the things that I actually like about the city. It will often depend on where you come from (and [more]

Bogota neighborhoods: where to live in Bogota [Updated 2024]

March 4, 2014 // 26 Comments

If you’re thinking of moving to Colombia, you’ll be in a similar situation to the one I was in back in 2013. I started researching the different Bogota neighborhoods and the average cost of rent. The problem was that I had no idea which areas were nice, safe and well-located, or which I should avoid. At the time of this update (September 2024) I can now [more]
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