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life in Colombia

Colombia Blogs

October 18, 2015 // 8 Comments

There are some really great Colombia-based bloggers out there, whose blogs I regularly visit. Even though this blog is about Bogotá, many people who move to Bogotá initially might want to move to another part of Colombia eventually. So here are some Colombia blogs that I recommend you take a look at: – Banana Skin Flip Flops was my [more]

How to eat ajiaco

February 21, 2015 // 1 Comment

Ajiaco is a Colombian dish which features on most menus here in Bogotá, but what is it exactly, and more to the point, HOW do you eat it?! Ajiaco is a type of soup containing potato, guascas (a type of herb), usually chicken, and with corn (like giant sweetcorn, but not sweet), rice and avocado served on the side. When it was first presented to me by my [more]