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A Foreigner in Bogotá: My 5 Colombian Identities

August 20, 2014 // 6 Comments

I’ve been a foreigner in Bogotá, Colombia for more than two years now, and something I’ve noticed is the way that people are defined here. Since moving here, I have taken on a number of identities which didn’t matter or exist when I was in London. In this post I explore my various Colombian identities. 1. I’m a gringa I’d actually say [more]

Bogota neighborhoods: where to live in Bogota [Updated 2024]

March 4, 2014 // 26 Comments

If you’re thinking of moving to Colombia, you’ll be in a similar situation to the one I was in back in 2013. I started researching the different Bogota neighborhoods and the average cost of rent. The problem was that I had no idea which areas were nice, safe and well-located, or which I should avoid. At the time of this update (September 2024) I can now [more]