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art in Bogota

Bogota’s Museum of Contemporary Art

December 9, 2017 // 0 Comments

I’m a big art-lover, as you’ll see from my Instagram! One of the best things about living in Bogota is being able to see art on the streets everyday. The Bogota Graffiti Tour takes people on a walk through the centre of Bogota and the Candelaria, and introduces the work of Bogota’s most renowned street artists. The Candelaria has numerous museums [more]

Street Art in Bogotá and the Bogotá Graffiti Tour

May 14, 2015 // 2 Comments

Those of us who have lived in Bogotá for some time will agree that it is a bit of a grey city. Often cloudy, chilly in the evenings, extremely wet during the rainy season, it’s not the best weather you’ll find in Colombia! That said, Bogotá’s talented artists have done a wonderful job brightening up the city with stunning and thought-provoking [more]