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Readers Choice

The essential things you need to know about healthcare in Colombia

April 3, 2018 // 9 Comments

I wanted to share a post on my experience of healthcare in Colombia so far, but in this post I’ll just give a non-expert summary of how things work here and the different insurance options. Please note that this is just what I have picked up in the four and half years I’ve lived here. Any opinions I give are based purely on my personal experience. [more]

The 10 most popular How to Bogotá posts

February 7, 2018 // 3 Comments

One way in which I gage what to blog about on How to Bogotá nowadays is by looking at my site stats and seeing which posts are getting most views. This gives me an idea of which topics people are most interested in. All of the posts below rank well for certain Bogotá-related search terms in Google, so I assume that the posts contain information that people often [more]

What to wear in Bogota

February 9, 2017 // 10 Comments

One cool Bogota afternoon you will find yourself walking among the quaint rugged buildings of the Candelaria, the smell of coffee wafting out of a nearby café and filling your nose. You look up to see where it is coming from, and almost stumble into a couple of (unmistakable!) tourists wearing shorts, vest tops and flip flops, standing in the middle of the street, [more]

Schools in Bogotá

November 19, 2014 // 13 Comments

Many thanks to one of my readers for requesting a post about schools and the education system here in Colombia. I’ll be up front and say that as I don’t have children, this is an area which I have less experience of, but that as a teacher of English, I’ve heard quite a lot about. So here goes… Public vs. Private In Bogota, the common view [more]

Readers’ Choice: What do YOU want to know about Bogota?

November 18, 2014 // 3 Comments

As I psyche myself up for my blog’s makeover – which will be happening soon once I’ve set up a hosting account! – I would really like to hear from readers about what they’d like to read on my blog. So I’ve decided to start a Reader’s Choice category, just for you! Are you thinking about moving to Bogota, but have a [more]