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Musings and Commentaries

9 reasons I’m happy to be Back in the Bog!

July 11, 2016 // 2 Comments

It’s July and this is my first post of 2016. Those of you who have been following my blog for a while may know that I had to return to the UK in March last year as my mum became very ill with cancer. For this reason I had to leave Bogotá and move back home for a while. I’ve been able to visit Bogotá a number of times in the last year, but I [more]

10 Bogotá anecdotes which made me Bogo-smart!

November 3, 2015 // 4 Comments

When I first arrived in Bogotá, the experience of living abroad wasn’t new to me; I had lived in Latin America before. But I wasn’t yet ‘Bogo-smart’..! What I really needed was a Bogotá for Dummies guide! Fast-forward two years and I am now a well-weathered expat/Bogotana; so what pearls of wisdom do I have to impart? Well, I thought [more]

Culture Shock in Colombia, 2 years on

October 29, 2015 // 3 Comments

I first wrote about my experience of culture shock in Colombia a year ago, one year after my big move to Bogotá to be with my Colombian boyfriend Javi; re-reading it now, I was clearly feeling quite pessimistic at the time, so I thought that now would be a good time to write a follow-up post! In my first post, I referred to the model of culture shock presented [more]

Bogotá vs. London – Things I miss about Bogotá

June 19, 2015 // 5 Comments

Bogotá has a bit of a marmite quality about it. People seem to love it or hate it. For a long while I certainly fell into the latter category, though in time I have acquired a taste for it. They say you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone… well my story has become a Tale of Two Cities. I’ve recently had to leave Bogotá and return to London [more]

Car Horns and Cacophony: A Tale from Gabo’s Colombia

April 24, 2015 // 0 Comments

I’m so pleased that a piece I wrote about one of my everyday experiences in Bogotá (namely sitting in traffic!) was accepted for inclusion in this anthology. It includes work by a number of writers with a connection to Colombia, in memory of the great Gabriel García Marquez, who passed away one year ago on 17th April 2014. My piece considers themes [more]

Musings from a Bogotá café

February 7, 2015 // 1 Comment

Sitting in a chic Bogotá café in El Nogal, one of the city’s most exclusive neighbourhoods, I find myself in the not-entirely-unfamiliar position of patiently waiting for a student who has clearly forgotten all about our appointment. As I still have an hour until my next scheduled meeting, this means that I am left with time to kill. I start writing, as it [more]

Bogota and Me: It’s Complicated

November 24, 2014 // 4 Comments

It’s 2.40am. I went to bed at 7.30pm with an unexplained banging headache, so predictably I am now up and wide awake. It’s the witching hour on a Monday morning in Bogota, and the main road next to our living room is spookily quiet. With nothing else to do at this hour but to let my mind wander, I’ve started pondering my relationship. Not my [more]
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