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Magic in Colombia: From Gabriel Garcia Marquez to Ghost Stories

July 9, 2019 // 3 Comments

I first started associating Colombia with magical realism during my A-level English literature class at school in 2002. Before Shakira and Sofia Vergara stole his thunder, Gabriel García Márquez (or “Gabo”, as he is affectionately known here) was probably the most famous Colombian in the world. He was a Nobel Laureate and one of the founding fathers of magical [more]

Bogotanos: Humans of Bogotá

April 16, 2018 // 1 Comment

It is often said that you can learn much about a place by getting to know the local people. The natives of some big world cities have a reputation for being cold and unfriendly. This is not the case in Bogotá. In most cases, Bogotanos or rolos will try to be helpful. The main difficulty will be the language barrier if you don’t speak Spanish, as not even [more]

Why expats leave their countries

November 12, 2014 // 0 Comments

Today guest blogger on leading feminist blog The F-Word, Nat Newman, explored some of the reasons why expats leave their home countries in the first place. My story is mentioned in the blog – to briefly summarise, I had to leave if I wanted to continue my relationship with my Colombian boyfriend, due to the current immigration policies in operation in the [more]

English books and magazines in Bogota

November 8, 2014 // 0 Comments

If you’re an avid reader, you might be tempted to fill your suitcase with books to read during your trip to Colombia. Books in Colombia are expensive, especially English books, children’s books, and imported English language magazines. Here are some ways to acquire English books in Bogota as well as magazines, while you’re away from home.   [more]

Bogota Skies: every cloud has a silver lining

October 30, 2014 // 1 Comment

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve found the transition to life in Bogota a challenge at the best of times, but one of the things that makes me very happy are pretty skies; and Bogota (and Colombia in general) has these in abundance. I therefore thought I’d start focusing on some of the things I truly do like about Bogota, and share with [more]

10 Smartphone apps I couldn’t live without in Bogota

October 27, 2014 // 5 Comments

When people move to a new country, they’ll often buy a cheap phone with a local SIM card to use while they’re there. This is fine if you’re just visiting for a short time, but if you’re in Colombia for the long-haul, a smartphone will be a really useful tool. Here are the (Android) smartphone apps that I use regularly, which I really [more]
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