I’ve made no secret of the fact that I’ve found the transition to life in Bogota a challenge at the best of times, but one of the things that makes me very happy are pretty skies; and Bogota (and Colombia in general) has these in abundance. I therefore thought I’d start focusing on some of the things I truly do like about Bogota, and share with you this collection of photos I’ve been accumulating of Colombia and Bogota skies:

When the sky’s blue in Bogota, it’s really blue!

But when it’s cloudy, it’s truly special…

Even when it’s raining there’s usually light in the distance to look forward to 🙂

All kinds of colours appear around sunset…


What a view to wake up to!

I’ve had worse views when I’ve been working late…

Bogotá – city of gold…

Puffy, cascading clouds at twilight in Bogotá

Chapinero, Bogotá

View from the metro-cable cars in Medellin

The Cartagena sky… like a painting.

After the rain had gone…

..we jumped for joy in Cartagena!

The stunning Cartagena sunset.
Santa Marta

Santa Marta.. it was like seeing the gateway to Heaven…
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